Seminar 01
- Present the design, goals and key processes of the program.
- Set the ground rules and norms for an effective learning process.
- Discuss the different and transforming roles of academia and HE Compose a basic perception of Leadership in the academic context.
Concepts & Key terms:
Fellows / Learning community / Community of practice / Deep-listening and embedded listening faults / Leadership / Academic leadership / The roles of academia: Research excellence, Quality teaching, Social Impact, Transfer of technology / The structure of the ICHE and the planning & budgeting committee
The seminar will be mostly focused on establishing a contextual and conceptual framework for the entire program, while deepening the understanding of the HE structure and strategy from the ICHE perspective and examining the roles of HE in changing times.
We will also try to set a value and emotional based infrastructure for a learning community and try to jointly compose an initial conceptual framework for Leadership in the academic context.
Seminar 02
- Broaden the understanding of leadership, perceptions and major practices.
- Dive deep into the disruption to HE created by the digital technology.
Meet the senior leadership of the institute in which the seminar is-being held and visit centers of excellence relevant to the growth strategy presented.
Concepts & Key terms:
Adaptive challenges / Adaptive leadership / Transformative leadership / Relational aspects of Leadership / Technical terms from the on-line learning realm…(Hybrid learning, Flip class, Mooc…)
Based on the leadership framework composed in the opening seminar we will introduce and discuss leadership from transformational as well as adaptive perspectives. In the following 2 days we will mostly focus on learning the challenges created by the digital technology and environment and try to compose possible coping solutions based on the leadership perspectives.
Seminar 03
- Discuss transformation and change management processes as a core leadership competency.
- Introduce the basic budgeting framework of the academic institutions.
- Broaden the discussion regarding the social impact role of the HE institutions.
- Meet the senior leadership of the institute in which the seminar is-being held and visit centers of excellence.
Concepts & Key terms:
Change & transition / Field force analysis / social impact (third mission) / The ICHE budgeting model / The evolving world of philanthropy (including social bonds and impact investing).
In the opening part of the first day we will emphasize and exemplify how leading transformation and change management are embedded in the leadership role, processes and dynamics.
The second and third day of the seminar will focus on establishing the strong connection between research excellence, quality teaching and social impact.
Seminar 04
- Focus on team-work – Why? What? How?
- Broaden the discussion regarding the complexity and challenges of HR management in the HE context – focus on nurturing champions.
- Introduce the concept of “Academic Partnership” as a mean to siscuss administrative and academic staff relationship.
- Meet the senior leadership of the institute in which the seminar is-being held and visit center of excellence.
Concepts & Key terms:
Human process organizations/ Professional bureaucracy / Leadership and team work / Team leadership / Talent management / Gender equality / Major terms related to hiring and compensational issues / Academic partnership
During the Seminar we will try to examine the structural as well as systemic challenges related to HR management, also dealing with issues of diversity, gender, academic and administration relations.
From the leadership standing point we will want to introduce concepts and practices related to effective team processes, inviting group as well as personal reflections and explorations related to the specific team work fellows are involved in.
Seminar 05
- Focus on the process of visioning and defining the future at its best.
Discuss the adaptive challenge embedded in the academia — industry relationship, map and evaluate the different relevant strategic paths. - Meet the senior leadership of the institute in which the seminar is-being held and visit centers of excellence relevant to the growth strategy presented.
Concepts & Key terms:
Visioning processes / Metaphorical thinking / Transfer of technology / Basic and applied research / Innovation hubs and entrepreneurial education / The role of commercializing companies…
In the opening of the Seminar we introduce the importance of a vision and an on-going process for a clear definition of the perceived future (even though not necessarily predictable). Most of the second day will focus on the different aspects of Academia-Industry. Through learning different attempts taken by each university we can get a better understanding of the opportunities as well as risks…
Seminar 06
- Expose fellows to policies, trends and directions of the HE in the EU.
- Interact with key leaders in the different institutions and discuss dilemmas, challenges, coping strategies.
- Broaden international collaboration of the different institutes and the Israeli academia by-large regarding leadership issues and strategic direction.
Concepts & Key terms:
Bologna agreement / Learning outcomes / ECTST / Mobility / Erasmus program / Regulation, Growth strategy, Trust and autonomy in regulatory relationships / National centers of excellence / Scenario based future planning / strategic discipline
The trip includes visiting to European Union related sites as well as to leading institutions. In the EU related sites the group is exposed to different aspects of the HE policies and schemes, including the Bologna agreement, Erasmus program and Horizon grants. While visiting leading institutions the group has the opportunity to meet the leadership team and be exposed to the key elements of their growth strategy.
Seminar 07
- Learn and practice methods for narrating the change.
- Launch project based teams around institutional and national challenges.
- Meet the senior leadership of the institute in which the seminar is-being held and visit center of excellence.
Concepts & Key terms:
Stories leaders tell / Narrating\-change / Rhetoric tri-angle: Ethos, Logos, Pathos / Project teams / Internal & external locus of control / Reflection dimensions: personal, institutional and national / Circles of influence / Thinking schemes: Critical thinking, Lateral thinking
This seminar resembles a gradual shift from focus on exposition to focus on application. Two major application direction will be introduced: The first will focus on crystalizing the individual change narrative as a major lever for engaging partners and building coalitions for change. The second will focus on project based cross institutional team work.
Seminar 08
- Deepen the understanding of accreditation and regulatory processes.
- Discuss issues related to the wider HE eco-system mostly focusing on accessibility to education vs. excellence.
- Broadly introduce and discuss the on-going crisis of the Humanistic studies (possibly reflecting a wider societal crisis).
- Meet the senior leadership of the institute in which the seminar is-being held and visit center of excellence.
Concepts & Key terms:
Collaboration / Authority & Responsibility / Institutional Autonomy / Different regulatory approaches / Issues related to accreditation / Accessibility to HE / Massification of HE / First generation to academia /
The opening of the seminar is dedicated to managing collaboration and organizational interfaces. The other parts will be dedicated to discussing the “crisis in the Humanities” and providing a broad overview of the “College Revolution in Israel״ (Increasing accessibility for HE) — impact and future challenges.
Seminar 09
- Provide a broad perspective to the US HE, Scope, Complexity, challenges…
- Introduce in depth the planned trip to the US and invite fellows to set learning objectives.
- Meet the senior leadership of the institute in which the seminar is-being held and visit center of excellence.
Concepts & Key terms:
Private and public universities / Private, public and community colleges / Accreditation system / federal policies / The loan crisis / First generation to education…
After reconnecting the first part of the seminar will be dedicated to meeting the leadership team of the institution.
The second part will be dedicated to preparation for the trip to the US trying to provide broad information, raise dilemmas and focus points of interest..
Seminar 10
- Expose fellows to policies, trends and directions of the HE in the US.
Learning from best practices and centers of excellence. - Interact with key leaders in the different institutions and discuss dilemmas, challenges, coping strategies.
- Broaden international collaboration of the different institutes and the Israeli academia by-large, regarding leadership issues and strategic direction.
Concepts & Key terms:
Student based approach / decentralized resource management / Ethos and core values / Giving back strategies / Managing alumni network / Globalization and internationalization of HE/ Leading diversity / Liberal arts curricula /
The trip includes visiting to leading private and public institutions where the group has the opportunity to meet the leadership team and be exposed to the key elements of their growth strategy.
Whenever possible the trip will include also visiting accreditation centers and being exposed to broader policies related to HE in the US.
Seminar 11
- Enable a reflective learning process on the individual, institutional and group level.
- Introduce the “Alumni Network״, goals, offering, processes…
- Provide space for informal closing of the program while shifting to the next phase of the network.
Concepts & Key terms:
Reflective practices / Learning Loops / Alumni Network
The closing seminar will enable a systematic reflection on the individual, institutional and group process as well as an introduction and preparation for the Alumni network.